Saturday, May 03, 2008

Google can now read your mind

So the other night I had a very weird dream.   Our company had decided to open a new subsidiary in Iran.

In my dream, my VP had been picked to head this up, by her former mentor and Executive VP of our Consumer Business. Apparently, Home Depot was moving into Iran, and we needed to be there to support their efforts, and she was just the person to do it.  In the real world this EVP was born in Iran;  I think my subconscious knew this, though I didn't consciously remember this fact.  

I do remember in my dream that I questioned setting up a business in Iran.  I remember asking that didn't the US have an embargo against Iran that prevented us from doing business there?  My concerns were dismissed.  I questioned this move again and asked, are you sure you don't mean Iraq?  That seemed to make more sense to me; I could kinda see the need for home improvements in Bagdad (however infeasible it might be).  "No!" I was told, "we mean IRAN!" (you idiot).

I have no idea where this dream came from.  The only thing I can think of is that there was a potentially lethal combination from dinner.  Apparently, salad with vinaigrette dressing and grilled shrimp, PBR and Advil do not mix, and you should avoid combining them at all costs.

I was telling some friends about this the next day at lunch, and we all had a good laugh.  I then went back to my desk and checked gmail, and on the side bar was an advertisement for "Jobs in Iran."  

That kinda freaked me out.  Google usually places ads based on key words in the eMail, but outside of my discussion, I hadn't shared that dream with anyone.  There was nothing in the mail I was reading or had sent that mentioned the words Iran, Jobs, or Home Depot, much less Salad, PBR, and Advil.  How the h#ll did they know that there was some relevance for me with that ad?

The headline of the ad was in English, but the rest was in Arabic.  I tried to copy the ad to share it with others, but before I could take a screen shot, I got distracted and lost the image.  I went back to Google searching for "Iran Jobs" in the hopes of finding the ad again, but it has not reappeared. 

This has compounded my problems.  Not only is Google reading my mind, but my employer is probably a bit freaked out by my obsession with finding a job in Iran.  This is not a good thing.

If I ever find the ad, I will be sure to post it.  In the meantime, I advise you all to avoid the said combination of salad, PRB and Advil at all costs.

Good dreaming.

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