Saturday, March 22, 2008

Winter Sucks

It is snowing here today.  Again. I am tired of winter.  Winter sucks.

I am tired of being cold.  Tired of wearing a coat every time I go out.  I am tired of wearing a coat when I am inside.   I am sick of my sweaters.  I can't wear them anymore.  I am tired of wearing warm but ugly clothing that makes me look like a homeless eskimo.

I am tired of having cold feet.  Tired of cold hands.  Tired of wool socks and gloves.  Tired of having chapped and cracked skin.  Tired of cracked and bleeding knuckles caused by cold dry air.

I am tired of salt stains on my clothes, especially my shoes.  I am tired of a two tone blue and white salt stained car.  I am tried of getting my car washed in winter to prevent rust.  I am tired of scraping ice of my windshield.  Tired of my ridiculously large ice scrapper.  I am tired of having to know the freezing point of my windshield washer fluid (can't use that stuff rated to -20; you need the -40 stuff to be sure).

I am tired of walking like a penguin.  Tired of watching for ice.  Tired of not being able to wear lightweight comfortable shoes. Tired of having to be cautious when I walk down the sidewalk.  I want to be reckless and run.

I am tired of frozen hair in the morning.  Tired of wearing a stocking cap to prevent frozen head.  I am tired of having stocking cap head every day.  I am tired of windburn on a freshly shaven face.  I am tired of cold gusts of air down my back or ice in my face.  I am tired of winter flab (aka insulation).

I am tired of having to drive slowly.  Tired of merging at 3 mph.  Tired of watching out for ice.  Tired of watching for black ice.  Tired of trying to figure out what black ice really is.  I am tired of being cautious when I cross bridges.  I am tired of having to watch out for spinouts.  I am tired of snowy mornings which take an hour to get into work.  I am tired of snowy afternoons where it takes two hours to get home.  I am tired of filling up my car in sub-zero temperatures.

I am tired of the color white.  I am tired of grey.  

I miss the color green. 



Anonymous said...

We are tired of you living in MN. Move back to NC with us-where it's green, warm and loving. Winter sucks-this is verified coming from an upstate NY girl.

Anonymous said...

Yet another reason to leave the great state of MN. I've played tennis outdoors twice in the last 2weeks. - sent from Balmy Bawlmer