Monday, March 24, 2008

Lunch without the Boss

I wanted to give a quick update on work situation.  I had not written about it in a while.  Up to a few months ago, work was still horrid and it was driving me to the door.  Quickly.  Then out of the blue, some changes have occurred and I might end up working for my old boss again, but in a much better job.  If the job comes through as he has sold it, my new position would be better than I could have hoped to find outside of the company.  
My relationship with my employer has not been smooth.  I have been threatened with termination twice if I did not accept a move, plus there are other "issues" that have come up which I will not get into detail here on a public page, but in summary, they caused massive disbelief among friends and a few choice profanity tirades by me.  The only reason I stayed was because of my old boss, who wants to rehire me again.  I have every reason to trust him, and he is someone who can make this happen.  
So right now I am waiting to see if this position materializes.  Should know something in a month or so.  This has caused a lot of consternation for me.  I wasn't one foot out the door; I was one foot in the door.  Maybe not a foot, but my big toe.  The only reason I was staying was to bide my time while waiting for something else.  It would have been tougher for me to do this, except that I had told both the Director and HR to fire me because I was not doing anything.  They didn't so I felt okay staying in my job.  I still have doubts if this new job will come through, but for now I will wait and see.
What triggered all of this was today lunch.  I had picked up some food at the cafeteria.  I did not have plans with anyone so I was going to sit at a table with some of the regulars.  It is a fun group of people in the division - friends whom I would not normally interact with - but good lunch company.  I was about to go to our table when I noticed among the crowd of regulars the VP was sitting there.  Yes - the big, BIG boss.  
She is very nice and approachable, and I have great respect for her.  But what am I going to say?  I figured I could probably ask enough questions of her, although I am scheduled for a group lunch with her this coming Friday (don't want to use my A-material too soon).  My fear is what if she asks me "how is it going?"  (a very likely question).
I am afraid of one of two things happening - either I tell the truth, or I don't.  Either way I don't see a good outcome.  My happiness is not her concern - its mine. Complaining to her is not an option. But by not saying anything, am I just blowing smoke so she gets a distorted view of the division and the overall moral (very low - for everyone).  I know I should feel a responsibility to tell her about moral, but she probably knows its bad and if I do tell her, I would have to censor myself so as not to potentially say something inappropriate.  She is very good at asking questions and I am afraid if she starts probing, I might really open up about how I feel.  That is a bad thing.
So based on this, I decided quickly to chose a third option - I ate lunch at my desk.  A friend got her lunch and joined me and I got to vent in private, behind the door.  Probably a good thing.  
Always be looking for other options.  I think it saved me today.  In the meantime, I hope to hold it in and see if the job materializes.  If it does, I may stay longer - I will put in a six month contract with myself to see how it turns out.  
Options:  they are a good thing.

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