Wednesday, March 19, 2008

fried chicken

I have no idea why, but everything today smelled like Fried Chicken.  Indoors or outdoors, every new room I went into had that fried chicken smell.  Not the good home cooking version, but the smell from the dumpster of KFC smell.  Yeah - really bad.

About the only place I got any relief was a friend's office, but that smelled like liquorish to me.  Apparently, I was the only one who thought it smelled like that, too.  

There is no joke behind this posting.  It was just a very odd day having one of your five senses "off" for the day.  I have had trouble with hearing before, but not mis-smelling stuff.  It seems like this a bad sign for your body when you lose one of the big 5, even temporarily.  I guess this would be the best one to have off for a day, if you had to chose between smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch.  

By the way, last Friday night we went out for pizza after work.  I ate entirely too much, and when I was walking back to my car, I realized I could not hear very well.  This raised another questions - if you eat too much, can that cause your ear canal to close up so you can't hear?  I wouldn't think so, but I couldn't think of any other good explanation.    Again - no joke.  This really happened.

Now that I am home writing this, and smelling normally, I will be back on the mend.  

Good Smelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sure you're not pregnant????????