Monday, June 29, 2009

Beware of the Chick Flicks!

There have been two surprise hit movies this summer, "I Love You, Man" and "The Hangover", which have been drawing in big crowds since their release.  Their success has baffled the experts prompting waves of stories on why are these movies successful.  For those of you who haven't figured it out, let me explain why these two movies have been hits:  

They are secretly "Chick Flicks" in disguise.  

Let me explain.

Chick Flicks are movies designed to appeal to a female audience.  The theme is always the same - the central character has trouble with a relationship/friendship, and turns to others for help, and through a series of loosely tied together scenes, understanding is reached with a happy resolution in the end.  Usually, but not always, this happens at a wedding.

Sound familiar?

(By contrast, in a Guy Movie, the central character has trouble with authority/establishment, uses guns, he works alone but picks up a busty babe along the way, and through a series of loosely tied together scenes, understanding is reached through the use of guns, violence and car chases.     Usually, but not always, this happens at the docks/train station/airport (something transportation related).)

"I Love You, Man" and "The Hangover" are both Chick Flicks, but with guys in the lead roles, not women.  By doing so, they have cleverly doubled the potential population of those willing to see this movie (e.g. both men and women).  Chicks are driving the traffic and popularity of these movies.  They make for an (apparently) effective compromise movie, but in reality, guys, you are being dragged to a chick movie. 

If you don't believe me, go to and look at the breakdown of votes by gender.  While more guys than women have voted, woman have given both movies the higher overall rating.  Find me a movie staring a Schwarzenegger, Stallone, or Willis where this is true. 

I found them both entertaining - better than I thought, but not as raunchy as I was expecting.  I did like the fact that both of them had washed out muscle guys (Lou Ferrigno and Mike Tyson) in comedic roles (see upcoming post on this).  But deep down, they disappointed.  They are one and done movies, never to be seen again.  Me, I'm waiting for "Inglorious Bastards."

Happy viewing

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