Friday, June 12, 2009

The Extended Extension

For those of you keeping up with my latest trials and tribulations of the job search, I have a minor update, and it is good news. I got another extension to continue the temporary assignment on which I am currently working. This is my second extension which will keep me employed until the end of July. I am very excited about this news, as I will be able to continue working on my current project which I enjoy, plus pick up a new one, while all the while still being employed (read: paid) and I can still look for positions internally.

This extension came through the efforts of two people. The first is my friend Danielle, whose heroics were described in an earlier posting ("Lessons from the Job Search", May 18, 2009). The second is a former manager of mine, N, whom I worked for seven years ago. There is a funny story on how N's and my path had crossed, yet again.

When I started working for her, I was at one of my lowest points professionally. The job I was promised when I moved to Minnesota was changed, dramatically. I was either going to have to accept the change or I would be fired. I wanted to leave then, but in the post 9/11 economic downturn, I thought it best to fight it out rather than take my chances. My new boss was N. We hit it off well, and although I didn't like my new job, I liked working for her. She was very bright, very dynamic, and she gave me opportunities to shine. We worked together very well. After 18 months, N was promoted to a new job, and soon, so was I, but we kept in touch over the years.

Fast forward six years to April: Job eliminations are announced, and both N and I are without positions. N had been on a fast track to the upper echelons, so I (and others who knew her) were very shocked to hear this news. I applied and interview for a job as a Business Development Manager; it is basically the same job I was doing before the cuts and it was at the same job grade. I didn't get the job, but I found out N was in the running.

I was surprised she had applied for the job, as it was several job grades lower than where she had been. I knew she would do a great job in this position; if I had been asked to chose between me and her, I probably would have chosen her. When I found out she was being considered, I did the right thing: I sent her a note wishing her well. Instead of letting the awkwardness build from both of us wanting the same job, I decided to do the grown up thing; I told her that I had interviewed (if she didn't know this already) but I didn't get selected; I heard she was still being considered and I wished her good luck and I hoped that she would get the job. As it turns out, she did.

Fast forward another month: I am working on this temporary project. It is a good job and a needed position, but with all the cost cutting going on, everyone has to pull extra weight. If I was to get another extension, I would not be immune. Step in N. We are now both in the same division; she was staring her first project and it was massive. The scope had expanded exponentially from the original charter; she was looking for some help. She knew my situation so she proposed an extension for me as well. We had worked together well in the past and she thought we would be good again in the future. So did I. So through the helps of Danielle and N, I got another extension. I'll be employed for another 7 weeks.

Funny how things work out sometimes.

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