Friday, July 18, 2008

Steak 'n Shake.... seriously they still exist

I'm in Indianapolis. Again. I was here for work. After we finished our meetings, I went out to dinner. I was going to check out the new "Dark Knight" movie. It was sold out, so I went back to the hotel. On my way back, I take the scenic route, which takes me past "Steak 'n Shake" headquarters.

I didn't know they were headquartered here. I honestly didn't know they were still in existence. I don't think I know of anyone who has actually been there. I don't know why anyone would go there. The whole concept seems disgusting. I guess what they serve is hamburgers and milkshakes. For some reason, as a kid I though they served a steak, mixed into a milkshake - kinda like a blizzard with meat. Yeah, not good.

Anyway, that vision has stuck with me and I have never been able to go into one. Since about 2002, I have banned most all fast food. I got to the point where I can't eat it, except in the most dire of circumstances (okay - I do get it on the way to glassblowing, but that and dire circumstances are it). In terms of my rankings in the fast food spectrum, Shake n' Steak would rank towards the very bottom. In fact the I would have to put them in the bottom three. The only think which I think ranks lower is "Arby's" (never been - they have been banned for life) and "Bob Evans". The only reason I would put "Steak n' Shake" higher than "Bob" is because of their pioneering use of the n' instead of the more pedestrian "and". True trendsetters.

If anyone has been there - or knows anyone who has been there and lived please let me know. For those of you who are die hard fans of this establishment and chose to put your money where your food hole is; they are listed on the NYSE, under "SNS" at about $6.25 a share.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, Dave is a HUGE fan of the steak and shake. I must say, they make excellent fries. And shakes. Although not hamburger shakes. That's disgusting, Jim. :) Excellent seeing you, by the way :)!!