Recently, I have been spending a lot of time in Airports and Hospitals and I have noticed a few similarities. Namely:
1. They all look the same on the inside
2. This similarity brings back a lot of memories
3. These memories are usually very sad
Airports used to be a happy place for me (pre 9/11). It was fun - you would get off a plane, and maybe you would have a family member or loved one meeting you at the gate. It was a thrill for me. I pity the post 9/11 generation who does not have the opportunity to experience the joy of seeing someone exiting the gang plank.
Now, airports are sad to me. The only emotional response that seems to come from flying is the relief loved ones get from post-landing cell phones. Seriously. It has been over six years, but we all still call someone once we land just to let them know we are safe. Quite a letdown from the welcome hug you could get at the gate.
Hospitals are a different story. I never liked them before, and after my mom passed away, I can't stand them. I was with my mom when she passed away in the hospital, and since then the sight of them makes me ill. They beds, the smell, the drapes - everything - brings back a flood of unpleasant memories. I think it took me a good 6-8 months after my mom past away before I could watch a movie or TV show that took place in a hospital, and even now, it still makes me uncomfortable.
God Bless the people who work in hospitals. I am always amazed by the kindness and dedication of the good people who work in these facilities administering care to the sick and needy. Their dedication is motivated by a kindness that goes beyond any sort of monetary compensation they receive for working there.
I have read the mind makes these linkages and associations for speed and efficiency. I need to break this habit - to de-evolve a bit - and look at both these places fresh. I know there is no way to go back to the way things were, but there has got to be a way to put a fresh spin on these places.
It is a new goal for 2008!
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