Monday, May 24, 2010

Signs of Mystery, part 2

So I am riding on the light rail (the one line in the Twin Cities), when I notice this sign.

It's goal is seemingly very obvious - promote tourism at Historic Fort Snelling - by promoting the ease of arriving at said destination. Yet, as straight forward as the message is, it misses the mark. Badly.

Why on earth would anyone describe the time it would take to "drive" to a destination to a bunch of people riding on a light rail system? A portion of people who take public transportation, like light rail, do not have cars, so they can not drive. The others, who do have cars, are unlikely to drive to the Fort Snelling Station to get to the actual Fort Snelling. Wouldn't it have been much easier and clearer to say "Just a short distance from Fort Snelling Station"?

Why anyone would think that using an imprecise measurement, much less one which is completely inapplicable to your audience at the time they are reading it, is a complete, total, and utter mystery.

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