Wednesday, October 10, 2007

"Live every week like it's 'Shark Week'"

In the last 48 hours, the two predominate activities for me have been (1) watching Season 1 of "30 Rock" and (2) thinking about the reorganization at work we are undergoing. For those of you who have not watched "30 Rock", the title of this posting is advice Tracy Jordan gave to Kenneth the NBC Page. For those of you I have not talked to about work lately, things are changing.

A major reorganization is in the works for us. We all knew it was coming, but we didn't know what was going to happen. We got a taste of it on Monday when the overall structure was laid out, and the changes are major. Not all of the changes make us feel confident of the future. Two of the four key directors are out of jobs.

Layoffs for the rest of us seem inevitable (or more politely know as job eliminations). We don't know who or when, but we all expect this to happen in the next few weeks. It could get brutal. Everyone is counting on their supporters to cover for them. I am not sure what my future will be with the division. I think I should be safe, but my hopes of getting a better job may not happen. It could happen but maybe not. Maybe I will get fired.

Then today, I thought, maybe I do want to get fired. Maybe I really want to be laid off. I haven't been happy at work in - well - a long time. Maybe never after many years of working for 3M. I have been working and pushing myself in the hopes for something better in the future at 3M, which still has not materialized. Maybe this is a sign that nothing good is in my future here and that it is foolish to waste any more time waiting. Instead of thinking I "should" look around, maybe I need to get fired so I "have" to find something elsewhere. Maybe it is time, and this is the kick I needed to leave.

I though about this today and it made me happy. Excited actually. More excited than I have been in a long while. It was a good reminder that we do have choices and control over our actions, just like our friends in the deep blue ocean.

Live every week like it's Shark Week.


Aussie Mom said...

Have you seen the Prince's birthday episode....THANK YOU for coming to my Birthday party!!!! It is absolutely my favorite. We went and purchased the season on DVD...I have been to 30 Rock many times, my old NBC mentor started out as a page and of course I work in the business...not to mention the writing is brilliant. Finally, we have show in common than those darn Simpsons!

Aussie Mom said...

As for the job you know I write a motivational blog so of course I felt the need to share a quote..."A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships were built for." I have no idea who first said this but I have seen it on plaques and posters everywhere. This is a great reminder that the safe route is not always the best rout. And, it doesn't help us to reach our goals. If you are going to get anywhere you have to take risks and venture into the unknown. Life is an adventure...not maintenance. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Hey Jim, I've felt your pain... bottom line, I think life is too short to be miserable @ work. If they're too dumb to want to offer you a better role, I say forget them.